Friday, October 20, 2017

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This photography represnt the situation in Syriam in the actuallty. A situation of the crisis and violonce for the war. Two man, apparently syrian, are try rescue babys and childs of the situation of dead. Besides, we can see destruction and conmotion in  around of the city.  All this for the war , they don´t choose the figth, the war arrive from the nothing.
But ¿Why is the war? unfutrtanately this conflict is in all Middle East. This due to oil resourses in the conunties and the ambition the big capitalist. They are business with the oil and the war,because they win cash and credit.

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I have very much favorite band or singer in the music, but I have to choose, my band favorite is the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Basically for that his a together in my life since my infancy until today. Besides, they are really fantastic, your music is very famous and grateful; it is have very energy, harmony and rhythm. 
The Red Hot Chilli Peppers begin play to music in the State of California in United States of America. They were young and irreverent, they play to music in the nude in the scene, and it was cause fame and discussion. Later when they were more mature, they play to music really great. 
They make from first album in 1984 with the name "The red hot chilli peppers". After, they make more the ten records. The famous is "Californication" to 1999, "By the Way" to 2002 and "Stadium Arcadium" to 2006. The last album is to 2016 with the name "The Getaway".
 My favorite song the is band is "Zephyr Song" because is significant for me and is very great. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

My favorite piece of technology Post N°3

My favorite piece of technology is not computer, cellphone or videogames, but it is Wi-Fi router. Because? I used Wi-Fi every day and all time. I like because it can tell with every object of modern technology, what is more, it whole this object with me.
 I used for connect me with other people and word knowledge. Because it connect me with all object of the word. I like internet because it answer any questions of the information and of the literature. However the internet is dangerous, it is full information, and you can´t tell good from evil.
Maybe, my life without Wifi router and internet would be more connect with rail nature, however I not connect for present fraction of the reality. 

Friday, October 6, 2017

Post N°2 - Why did you choose your study programme

In the beginning, when I was a child  I always dreamed of being aviator, I played with aeroplane and I dreamed abaout flying. I love sky and I wanted to discover and discover the world. 
 However, when I grow and I like human science, I think in total people and I like go to myself.  So that I wanted study law, sociology or psychology, but thing with spiritual science. Finally I study sociology, because is very interesting for me. The sociology is social science that search the understanding the social structure. 
My experience in sociology career is very good. Now I know thing that help me development as person and professional. I happy in sociology and I wend learn very much.